From the spikelet to your table<br />how we produce AIDA pasta
From the spikelet to your table<br />how we produce AIDA pasta

From the spikelet to your table
how we produce AIDA pasta

From the spikelet to your table<br />how we produce AIDA pasta

There is nothing superfluous in the composition of our products: only flour from durum wheat and specially prepared water.
Despite the simple composition of pasta, the process of its production requires attention to detail and perfectionism, because only by observing the technology you can get a truly high-quality and delicious product.

How is AIDA pasta produced?

Orenburg region is
the best region for growing durum wheat

Orenburg region is
the best region for growing durum wheat

Wheat for AIDA pasta is grown here, in the Orenburg region, because in terms of the number of sunny days, the local climate is comparable to the southern regions of Italy, which provides the highest indicators for the vitreousness of wheat grain, protein content and quality. The unique properties of AIDA pasta is an increased protein content – 13 g per 100 g of the product.

It all starts with the field

It all starts with the field

Fields for growing wheat are sown in turn – the land should rest and be perfectly clean. To grow a crop of durum wheat, 90-100 days of regular care are needed.
It all starts with the field
It's harvest time!
It's harvest time!

It's harvest time!

Harvesting begins in August. Grain is carefully collected by a special combine harvester. The harvested grain is cleaned, dried, sorted and sent for storage in elevators. For proper storage of grain in the elevator, special conditions are observed: from 6 to 8 ° C and humidity 60-70%.
How do we control the quality<br />of raw materials

How do we control the quality
of raw materials

From the elevator, the grain gets to its own mill. But the process of flour production begins long before that – with a preliminary check. Agronomists and specialists of the quality service take samples of crops from the fields, test and check for important indicators. At the mill, the grain undergoes additional cleaning. There is a grinding.
Kneading the dough
Kneading the dough

Kneading the dough

At the stage of preparing flour for the future AIDA pasta, it is sieved, impurities are separated and water is prepared. There are only two ingredients in AIDA pasta dough – durum wheat flour and specially prepared water. We never use color and taste improvers of the product!
Variety of forms and types

Variety of forms and types

The finished dough is gently pressed, rolled out until a homogeneous mass is obtained and sent to the cutting stage.
Our equipment allows us to produce pasta of various shapes: spirals, horns, feathers, shells, spaghetti, capellini and noodles, as well as special formats – lasagna and nests.
Italian technologies in Russian production
Italian technologies in Russian production

Italian technologies in Russian production

AIDA pasta formed into the finished product gets to long-term drying according to traditional Italian technology, which involves removing moisture from the product naturally. The paste is dried in a special cylinder, and the drying time depends on the type of paste. Then there is an equally important stage – slow cooling and stabilization of the product under natural conditions to preserve the structure and quality of the pasta.
Time to go!
Time to go!

Time to go!

Before packing, AIDA pasta undergoes an additional quality check. Only after that it gets into branded packaging and is sent to retail outlets across the country.
Everything's under control

Everything's under control

The high quality of the products of the Orsk Pasta Factory is confirmed by the international food safety system HACCP implemented at the enterprise. All pasta products are manufactured in accordance with GOST 31743-2017 2017 and undergo strict control at all stages of production.

You can always find your favorite pasta on store shelves or buy it online on marketplaces and cook your masterpiece. You only need to choose a dish – especially for you, we have collected the best pasta recipes, shared secrets, and every day we publish useful tips, ideas and interesting facts on our social networks. Join us!